Grow Your Edges Back Quicker Than Ever Before!

Shahraz Ali

Shahraz Ali

Are you trying to grow your edges back, but nothing seems to be working? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything under the sun, but those pesky baby hairs just won’t seem to appear no matter what? Luckily for you, I’ve got some tips and tricks up my sleeve that are guaranteed to help you achieve the healthy hairline of your dreams!

Firstly, let’s start with the basics. What even are edges, and why do we want them? Well, edges are the hair that frames your face, and they can give you a polished look that really pulls an ensemble together. And as for why you might want to grow them back… well, let’s just say that having a decent set of edges can be the difference between looking like a hot mess and looking like a goddess. 

Okay, now that we’ve covered that, let’s move on to the good stuff. How can you actually grow your edges back?

Top Seven Tips To Grow Your Edges Back Fast

1. Get Yourself a Good Edge brush

This is probably the most important step in growing your edges back. A good edge brush will help stimulate blood flow to the scalp, which in turn will promote hair growth. Not to mention, it feels pretty darn good too! So make sure to invest in a good quality edge brush—your hair will thank you for it.

2. Start Using vitamins

Hair growth vitamins are essential for anyone looking to grow their hair—edges or no edges. They help supply the nutrients necessary for healthy hair growth, so if you’re not already taking them, now’s the time to start. We recommend taking biotin and folic acid supplements, as they’re both great for promoting hair growth.

3. Use a Growth Serum

A growth serum is another great way to promote hair growth. Look for one that contains ingredients like biotin, keratin, and essential oils, as these will all help to fortify and strengthen the hair. Apply the serum to your scalp every day, massaging it in for best results.

4. Give Yourself a Scalp Massage

A scalp massage is one of the best things you can do for your hair. It helps to stimulate blood flow to the scalp, which in turn promotes hair growth. Not to mention, it feels pretty darn good too! So make sure to give yourself a scalp massage every day and watch that hair grow in faster!

5. Invest in a Good Quality Wig or Weave

If you’re looking for a quick fix, then investing in a good-quality wig or weave is the way to go. Not only will it help to give your hair a break from all the styling and heat damage, but it will also give your edges a chance to grow back in. Just make sure to take good care of your wig or weave, and don’t forget to deep condition it regularly, and you’ll have oil-slick hair that looks good and feels great!

6. Try a Natural Remedy

While something like a slick stick for hair works great, there are a number of natural remedies that can help to promote hair growth. Some popular ones include using onion juice, aloe vera, garlic, and coconut oil. Simply massage the remedy of your choice into your scalp every day, and you should start to see results within a few weeks.

7. Be patient

I know it can be tempting to try every single method under the sun in an effort to see results faster, but sometimes less is more when it comes to growing your hair. Over-manipulating your hair can actually do more harm than good, so it’s important to be patient and give your edges time to grow back on their own!

Things That Keep Your Edges from Growing Back Fast

Now that we’ve gone over the main things you can do to accelerate the growth of your edges, let’s go over a few things that can actually hold back growth.

Excessive styling

One of the biggest things that can impede hair growth is excessive styling. If you’re constantly putting your hair into tight styles, then you’re likely putting too much strain on your follicles, which can lead to breakage and thinning. So if you want your edges to grow back quickly, it’s important to give them a break from time to time and let them air dry.

Lack of nutrients

Another common reason why edges don’t grow back as quickly as we’d like is because of a lack of nutrients. If your diet isn’t quite up to par, then your hair probably isn’t getting all the nutrients it needs to grow. Make sure you’re eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein, and consider taking a hair growth vitamin supplement to make up for any deficiencies.


We all know that stress can take a toll on our health, but did you know it can also impact hair growth? When we’re stressed, our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol, which can actually prevent hair growth. So if you’re looking to grow your edges back quickly, it’s important to find ways to relax and de-stress.

Harsh chemicals

Another common culprit of stunted hair growth is harsh chemicals. If you’re using products that contain harsh chemicals, then it’s likely that they’re causing damage to your hair follicles, which can lead to breakage and stunted growth. So make sure you’re using gentle, natural products on your hair, and avoid any harsh chemicals.

Tight hairstyles

Tight hairstyles are another common cause of hair loss, especially around the edges. If you’re constantly putting your hair into tight styles, then you’re likely putting too much strain on your follicles, which can lead to breakage and thinning. So if you want your edges to grow back quickly, it’s important to give them a break from time to time and let them air dry.

Poor hair care

Last but not least, poor hair care can also lead to stunted hair growth. If you’re not taking care of your hair properly, then it’s likely that your follicles are becoming damaged, which can lead to breakage and slow growth. So make sure you’re using gentle, natural products on your hair, and avoid any harsh chemicals.

The Bottom Line:

Growing back your edges can be a long and difficult process, but it’s definitely not impossible.  With the right tools and products, you can achieve the healthy hairline of your dreams—it just might take some time. Be patient, be consistent, and most importantly, invest in a good quality edge brush! Your edges will thank you for it.

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